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About Us   Grading System

Grading System

In its broad purpose, assessment aims at discovering learner’s potential. We believe that every learners has the right to succeed according to his/her abilities meeting the twenty-first century skills such as: creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. This is major principle that precedes and guides any decision making process relevant to the learner’s being promoted. Accordingly, assessment is a process that contributes to revealing the level of every learner’s learning in order to maintain and promote his/her strengths and enhance points of improvement.

Here are some of the basic principles implemented in the process of educational assessment:

  • The academic year is divided into three trimesters.
  • The cutoff grade is 11 out of 20 in all subjects and across all trimesters.
  • In the aim to motivate learners, the participation grade is recorded o the report card evaluation record and given 10%.
  • Two main assessment types are implemented; these are the continuous assessment and the end of term assessment.


Communication about each learner’s progress to stakeholder:

  • Learners receive a progress report every six weeks in a term to inform parents permanently about the development of the learner’s level during that period and the necessary intervention plan if needed.
  • The report card is given at the end of each term to indicate the student’s achievement during the term and the extent to which he / she has acquired the required competencies.
  • Learners monitor their own learning progress through a Rubrics, checklists, and monitoring progress sheet given to them in each subject’s portfolio were they can set their learning expectations and their goals.
  • Follow-up communication with parents electronically (mobile application Eduflag, emails …) and through periodic meetings and open days, and through advance appointments with the administration and teachers.